Two years ago Tony Abbott promised to govern for all Australians.
Since then he has utterly failed to promote an inclusive and harmonious multicultural Australia.
He has ripped tens of millions of dollars in funding from organisations that promote social cohesion and economic inclusion in our diverse communities.
He has slashed funding to the SBS – hampering its ability to uniquely showcase and celebrate our rich multiculturalism.
He has sought to prevent low-income Australians from reuniting with family members by attempting to abolish the non-contributory parent visa and other family visa category.
He has argued the case for weakening race hate speech protections in the Racial Discrimination Act, which would give the green light to bigotry.
He has accused religious leaders of not meaning what they say.
He has also failed to pull into line members of his government who continue to advocate weakening protections against racist hate speech and for addressing a Reclaim Australia rally.
At a time when recent findings from the Scanlon Foundation reveal worrying trends in our migrant communities - including increased levels of discrimination and a reduced sense of belonging - this Prime Minister has been at his most comfortable when he is seeking to divide our nation.