Joint with Tony Burke MP, Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Australia.
A Shorten Labor Government will deliver $5 million in funding towards the construction of tailored, culturally appropriate respite centre for older migrants living in Western Sydney.
After six years of cuts and chaos, Scott Morrison and the Liberals continue to neglect Australia’s migrant and multicultural communities.
We need real change – because more of the same isn’t good enough.
Labor knows that modern Australia and multicultural Australia are the same thing and this funding will support Sri Om Care Foundation’s respite centre project.
The Sri Om Care Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation specialising in personalised care services for the elderly and delivering culturally relevant aged care services for the South Asian community.
The centre, to be located in Clarence in New South Wales, will provide a relaxed and quiet respite location for elderly migrants living in Western Sydney.
Once operational, the centre will provide overnight, weekend, weekly and fortnightly respite stays and include personalised services for the South Asian community.
Labor is committed to expanding access to culturally appropriate aged care facilities throughout Australia, ensuring that older Australians from multicultural backgrounds are in an environment where the language, food and surroundings are familiar to them, and their particular needs are understood.
Respite is a crucial service which provides carers, and those they care for, with temporary breaks from regular care arrangements.
Labor is committed to supporting older migrants in Western Sydney to help deliver quality of life improvements for them and their families.
If you want a fair go for all Australians – vote Labor.
You can read more about Labor’s Plan for Multicultural Australia here.
Member for Greenway, Michelle Rowland MP, said:
Sri Om Care is well respected in Western Sydney for the important tailored aged care services it provides, particularly to South Asian migrants.
This announcement will allow the Sri Om Care Foundation to expand their facilities and provide respite services in a purpose-built centre.
Vice President and Executive Director of Sri Om Care Foundation, Mr Jay Raman OAM, said:
This announcement is wonderful news for older migrants in Western Sydney.
This project will be purpose-built and will make a big difference in the lives of old South Asian migrants.