22 November 2017

Over 100 local residents joined a local forum, hosted by Michelle Rowland MP, Federal Member for Greenway, to have their say about the National Broadband Network (NBN). Representatives from NBNCo, Telstra and Optus were present on the night to answer questions.

The forum was held on 20 November, at the Blacktown Leisure Centre, Stanhope Gardens. 

The results of Michelle Rowland’s ‘Greenway NBN Survey’ were presented on the night. Residents can still have their say and complete the survey through the following link -

Of note in the survey results was the importance of broadband reliability, which was the identified as the key issue by 48% of local residents who had their say. This was followed by download speeds and internet plan pricing, which were prioritised by 27% and 18% of residents respectively.   

“Thank you to all local residents who attended my NBN forum. It was very instructive to hear their views about their NBN experiences with NBNCo, Telstra and Optus representatives present,” Federal Member for Greenway, Michelle Rowland MP, said. 

“A special thanks to over 250 residents who completed my Greenway NBN survey, especially those individuals and small businesses who have taken the time to provide substantive comments about their broadband experiences,” Ms Rowland said. 

“The rollout of a second-rate National Broadband Network by the Turnbull Government has given rise to significant problems for local residents,” Ms Rowland said. 

“Local issues raised at the forum ranged from drop-outs and slow speeds, to problems getting connected to the NBN. The issues raised were also reflected in the survey responses, with slow internet speeds, dropouts and not receiving advertised speeds ranking highest amongst local NBN issues,” Ms Rowland said. 

“Thank you also to Warren Kirby from The Good Egg Studio in Riverstone, for speaking at the forum and sharing his positive story about how high speed broadband proved a game changer for his small business,” Ms Rowland said. 

“Local residents have identified through my local survey that access to better NBN technology and faster speeds during peak usage periods are of highest priority when it comes to the NBN. I am committed to making sure local residents have their concerns acted on and I will continue to advocate for a world-class broadband for all Australians,” Ms Rowland said. 

Residents who are encountering problems with their broadband services can contact Michelle Rowland’s office for further information and assistance on 9671 4780 or [email protected].